The Literature Hub Fiction Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a story written by Jane Austen based on five sisters of the Bennet family who lived in England in the early 19th Century. The modest family estate is to be inherited by Mr. William Collins when Mr. Bennet dies, so she wants to see all her daughters married as soon as possible. All of them attend a ball in which Mr. Charles Bingley who is a rich young man is interested in the eldest Betten daughter Jane who is very beautiful and shy. Both of them spend most of the time with each other dancing. Mr. Bingley brings along with him a friend of his Mr. Darcy. He is young and much richer then him. Elizabeth, the eldest Bennet daughter after overhears him refusing to dance with her as he feels that she not enough to tempt him. This was unpleasant for everyone and made everybody to think that he is arrogant.

But Mr. Darcy couldn’t avoid her charm and intelligence after meeting her several times. Jane was in in continuous contact with Mr. Bingley and pays him a visit one day to his house. While reaching there, she was stuck in the storm for a while and catches cold. Due to this she stays in his house until she gets well. Elizabeth goes and looks out for her as she gets worried for her sister. After reaching there, she is confronted by a lady named Miss Bingley who was a bit snobbish in nature. Elizabeth gets a lot of attention from Mr. Darcy there. After they reach home, they find Mr. Collin there which they do not like. But he came with a marriage proposal for Elizabeth. Her mother wanted Elizabeth to accept this proposal, so that the estate would be in family’s possession. Elizabeth refuses this proposal and Mr. Collin gets married to her best friend Charlotte. Elizabeth thought that she was not much happy with the marriage, but Charlotte assures her that she would be happy. It was becoming difficult for Charlotte to get marriage proposal because of her age. So she was happy that she could start her own family. Elizabeth visits her new home after marriage. a young man Mr. Wickman becomes their friend whom Elizabeth finds very charming and interesting. Her hatred for Mr. Darcy becomes more stronger as Mr. Wickman tells him how he tricked him and took away all his inheritance.

As winter arrives, Mr. Bingley, his sister, and Mr. Darcy leave for their home in London form Netherfield. Jane is shocked and shattered. after this she goes to London to visit her friends and and she even hopes that she could meet Mr. Bingley again. But this did not happen and her family gave up the thought of their marriage. Charlotte and her husband Mr. Collins live in the house of Lady Catherine De Bourgh who is Collins patron and also his aunt. Elizabeth pays Charlotte a visit there in the springs. Elizabeth sees Mr. Darcy there, who proposes to her. She refuses his proposal and tells him about all the hatred she has for him especially because he was the one who was the reason behind Jane and Mr. Bingley’s separation.

At that time her leaves from there, but later sends her  in which he accepts his fault and says that he did so because he thought that their feelings for each other were not genuine. He even reveals that Mr. Wickman tried to marry his 15 years old sister so that he could gain the possession of her fortune. With all these revelations, Elizabeth started to see a different side of Mr. Darcy.

After all this a news is heard that the youngest Bennet sister Lydia has eloped with Mr. Wickman. This news gets Elizabeth alarmed that it would ruin their family’s reputation. Darcy quietly offers money to Wickmanto marry Lydia. Elizabeth learns about this action of his. Bingley returns and gets engaged to Jane and Darcy proposes Elizabeth again which she accepts.

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