John Milton

John Milton was a n English poet who was born on 9th December 1608 in Bread street. HE even served as a civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He wrote in four languages that is English, Latin, Greek and Italian. He was one of the most prominent writers of English language.

In his early age Milton went to St. Paul School in London and began studying Latin and Greek there. In the year 1625, he began studying at Christ’s College, Cambridge University and completed his Graduation there with a degree in B.A. in the year 1629. After this he obtained his Master’s degree on 3rd July 1632.

Milton started writing at the early age of 15. His first compositions are two Psalms. Milton continued to write during his studies. In the year 1638, Milton went for a tour to Italy and France which lasted till August 1639. During this period he learnt about new arts, religious traditions and especially about Roman Catholic religion. In the year 1630 his first work was published which was on Shakespeare. Milton’s work was collected into 1645 poems in total and this collection of his was the only one to see print until Paradise Lost appeared in the year 1667. He wrote this poem in black verse and was considered as one of the best works in the history of English Literature. In William Halley’s biography he was called as ” The greatest English Author”.

He died on 8th November, 1674 due to kidney failure in London.

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