A Doll’s House

A Doll’s House is a play written by Henrik Ibsen. This play is about Nora Helmer who is a middle-class housewife. Her husband Torvald thinks that she is very childish and careless. Torval worked at Bank where he got promoted and this could help them lead a better and a comfortable life as their financial condition was not so good. Dr. Rank who is a dear friend of Helmer comes to visit them. Another unknown visitor comes to visit them who happens to be Nors’s School friend Kristine Linde. Both haven’t met each other since years.

Both talk about a lot of things and Mrs. Linde tells her that when her husband died she was left with no money and no children. Nora also tells her about her experiences of life after her marriage. She tells her that they were very poor and Torvald was very sick due to which they had to go to Italy so that he could recover. Mrs. Linde further tells Nora that her mother had passed away and her are too old. She hopes that Torvald would help her get a job. Nora promises to Mrs. Linde that she would speak to her husband regarding this and help her get a job. She even shares with Mrs. Linde that she initially borrowed money illegally by forging her father’s signature.

Krogstad, who is at a lower position at Torvald’s Bank, happens to be the source of Nora’s secret loan. She finds Krogstad with Dr. Ranka nd Tovald in the study of Torvald and becomes uneasy. After the meeting of Torvald, Krogstad and Dr. Rank Torvald comes out and tells Nora that he can hire Mrs. Linde at the Bank. After this everyone departs and Nora’s children come home with their nanny, Annie-Marie and she starts playing with them. Suddenly she notices Krogstad in the room. They both have a conversation and he tells Nora that Krogstad wants to fire him from his job at the Bank. Krogstad asks her to influence her husband so that his position remains with him. When she refuses, he blackmails and threatens her of revealing about the forgery she had done to take the loan. after this he leaves and Torvald comes back. Nora tries to convince him not to fire Torvald, but he does not listen to her and tells her that Krogstad is an immoral man and he cannot work with such people as he feels physically ill in the presence of such people.

On the Christmas day, Mrs. Linde comes in and helps Nora to sew her dress which she will be wearing it for the ball at the neighbor’s house. During this time, Nora tells Mrs. Linde that Dr. Rank has a mortal illness which he has inherited from his father. Mrs. Linde doubts that the source of her secret loan is Dr. Linde. Nora disagrees to it and does not reveal the source of her secret loan. Torvald arrives and Nora again begs him not to fire Krogstad. But he refuses to this again. Torvald further tells her that the major reason he is firing Krogstad is that he dislikes his over friendly attitude. They both argue until Torvald sends the dismissal letter through the maid.

After this Torvald leaves and Dr. Rank enters. Dr. Rank tells Nora that he is very close to death. Nora tries to cheer him up, make him smile and starts flirting with him. Dr. Rank reveals to Nora that he loves her. Nora thought of asking Dr. Rank to help her in her struggle with Torvald but after hearing to this she does not ask for any kind of help from him. After this Krogstad comes in and blackmails Nora not only to be rehired, but to be rehired at a higher position then before. He then writes a letter in which he stated about Nora’s debt and forgery and puts in the Helmer’s letter box. Nora panics and tells everything to Mrs. Linde. she asks her to stop Torvald from opening the letter box for as long as possible. Nora however stops Torvald from opening the letter box till she performs in the party.

The next night during the party, Krogstad and Mrs. Linde have a conversation which revwals that they were in love with each other. But she left him for a wealthier man who could take care of her and her family. But now she says that she wishes to return to him and even take care of his children. Krogstad is filled with joy and asks the letter back which he left for Torvald. Mrs. Linde asks him to leave it so that the truth could be revealed.

After this Nora and Torvald return from the party. Dr. was also there in the party and says good bye to them. Torvald check the letterbox and finds Dr. Rank’s visiting card on which his name was crossed. Nora then reveals about his illness and tells him that he is about to die. Then she insists him to open Krogstad’s letter. Torval reads the letter and is furious at Nora. He says that she nothing but a hypocrite. She then leaves Torvald saying that he does not understand her even after eight years of marriage and has treated her just like a doll to be played with.

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